


  • Spigler, R. B., & Maguiña, R. (2022). Changes in female function and autonomous selfing across floral lifespan interact to drive variation in the cost of selfing. American Journal of Botany, 109(4), 616-627. [Link to the article]


  • Cronin, M., Alonzo, S. H., Adamczak, S. K., Baker, D. N., Beltran, R. S., Borker, A. L., Favilla, A. B., Gatins, R., Goetz, L. C., Hack, N., Harenčár, J. G., Howard, E. A., Kustra, M. C., Maguiña, R., Martinez-Estevez, L., Mehta, R. S., Parker, I. M., Reid, K., Roberts, M. B., Shirazi, S. B., Tatom-Naecker, T., Voss, K. M., Willis-Norton E., Vadakan, B., Valenzuela-Toro, A. M. & Zavaleta E. S. (2021). Anti-racist interventions to transform ecology, evolution and conservation biology departments. Nature ecology & evolution, 5(9), 1213-1223.
    [Link to the article]


  • Maguiña, R., & Muchhala, N. (2017). Do artificial nectar feeders affect bat–plant interactions in an Ecuadorian cloud forest?. Biotropica49(5), 586-592.  [Link to the article]
  • Gamba, D., Maguiña, N. R., Calderón-Acevedo, C. A., Torres, K., & Muchhala, N. C. (2017). Seed dispersal for the unusual inflated berries of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae). Neotropical Biodiversity, 3(1), 10-17. [Link to the article]


  • Maguiña, R., & Amanzo, J. (2016). Diet and Pollinator Role of the Long-Snouted Bat Platalina genovensium in Lomas Ecosystem of Peru. Tropical Conservation Science9(4), 1940082916674288. [Link to the article]


  • Maguiña, R., Amanzo, J., & Huamán, L. (2012). Dieta de murciélagos filostómidos del valle de Kosñipata, San Pedro, Cusco-Perú. Revista Peruana de Biología19(2), 159-166. [Link to the article]
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